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  • info@sidrenagroup.com

Our Covid-19 Hygiene Commitment and Cancellation Policies

These are challenging times and now, more than ever, the health, safety and well-being of our guests and employees is our primary concern.

We also understand the need for flexibility when it comes to planning future travel, and we want you to feel confident when booking with us. With that in mind, we would like to update you on the actions we are taking in response to Covid-19 and we hope that commitment to Covid -19 sanitisation and cleanliness procedures will give you the confidence to book your accommodation with us.

Please contact us by phone or email prior to your arrival if you have any specific concerns or requirements you wish to bring to our attention. In the meantime, I would like to thank you for your loyalty and support, and we look forward to welcoming you again soon.

Our commitment to cleanliness

We have always strived to exceed impeccable standards of cleanliness. However, COVID 19 has significantly moved the ‘goal posts’. The Sidrena is taking every possible step to ensure your safety. We take great pride in our standards of hygiene, cleanliness & service and we have retained industry Health and Safety experts to guide us on the implementation of safety measures and to ensure we are taking every precaution based on the best research and using the latest technology.

On a daily basis, our management team are working to ensure that they meet the latest guidance from the WHO and the National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) to make our cleaning and hygiene protocols even more rigorous. Our Aparthotels’ health and safety measures are designed to address a broad spectrum of viruses, including COVID-19, and include everything from hand-washing hygiene, enhanced cleaning procedures to guest rooms and public areas.

When guest’s check-in to our hotel, they will notice that our cleaning regime is designed to address Covid 19 implications of sanitisation as well as modifications to employee-guest protocols developed to be consistent with recommended social distancing guidelines.


Sidrena Apartments is embracing enhanced New Cleaning Technologies: We already use the highest classification of approved antiviral disinfectants provided by Diversy and recommended by the NCDC and Prevention and World Health Organization to sanitize and disinfect surfaces throughout the aparthotel.

To compliment this, we have now rolled out the use of enhanced technologies at our aparthotel including the use of electrostatic sprayers in public and private spaces. The magnetically charged droplets produced by the electrostatic sprayers seek out and coat hard to reach areas and surfaces typically missed in standard cleaning processes

Arrival & Guest Apartments:
• We have reviewed our check in procedures to reduce contact time between guests and employees.
• Our Reservations Department will obtain as many details (email address, telephone number, passport details) as possible in order to pre register guests and reduce check in process to a minimum length.
• Anything handed to guests (eg. pdq machine, room key, pen, ipad etc.) will be previously sanitised. Sanitary stations will be visibly placed at Reception desk with hand sanitiser.

• Upon arrival, guest will be offered the option of Housekeeping service during the stay, along with the wished frequency of service, as we suggest the guest not be in the room when service is carried out by Housekeeping attendants.
• All guest rooms cleaning procedures have been augumented to include the targeted sanitisation of all contact points using EPA approved hospital grade cleaning supplies, followed by a full room specialised electrostatic spray with proven efficacy against Covid-19.
• Your room key will be disinfected and presented safely upon check-in.
• Some room amenities and accessories will be reduced, but all will still be available on request.
• All linen and towels are washed in line with government guidelines
• Where possible, our apartments will be left vacant 24 hours between each reservations

Looking after our team

We are doing everything we can to ensure a safe working environment for our team. Their health, safety and knowledge are essential to an effective cleaning program for our hotel operation and here are some ways we are supporting them:

• All team members are provided with their own full set of PPE including a personal bottle of anti-bacterial gel, disposable gloves and a face mask or visor.
• In addition to on-going training on housekeeping and hygiene protocols, hotel employees are also completing enhanced COVID-19 awareness training.
• Correct and frequent handwashing (following the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines) is vital to help combat the spread of viruses. In our daily meetings, our teams will be reminded that cleanliness starts with this simple act.
• Mandatory temperature checks will be carried out at the start of each shift and half way through their shift. Employees who have temperatures will be asked to go home.
• Shared electronics and equipment will be sanitized with 70% alcohol antiseptic topical solution, during and after each use.
• In the spaces where our team work “behind the scenes,” we are increasing the frequency of cleaning and focusing on high-touch areas which include employee entrances, locker rooms, laundry rooms and offices.
• Our team will be empowered to stay home if unwell and to communicate their potential exposure to COVID-19 with management.
• Our Managers have been instructed on how to conduct and record efficient checks of safety protocols, including ensuring that PPE is always in place and being used correctly and that our hygiene measures are consistently followed.

Social Distancing

• Guests will be advised and encouraged to practice distancing in line with government guidelines from individuals they are not travelling with.
• New lift rules have been implemented to limit the number of guests allowed in one lift at the same time.
• Contactless payment methods provided for Credit/Debit and Apply Pay

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